Cheap SEO is Possible IF You’re in a Niche Market!
If Your Market is a Small Town or You’re Very Specialized — SEO Can be Cheap
At IX Brand SEO, we work with our clients to make SEO as cheap as possible. However, the cost of SEO is determined by the size of your market and the amount of competition you have. If you’re competing in a small Texas town, or you’re in a niche market with unsophisticated competition, you’ll probably be able to rank high in Google results with nothing more than a Facebook page for your business or perhaps just a Google+ Local listing. You may not even need a website to win a top position in search results. If this is your situation, we will work with you to take advantage of your fortunate circumstances and your SEO will be cheap. If your competition grows or becomes more sophisticated, we’re happy to work with you to stay ahead of the pack.

If you’re located in Houston and you operate a car towing and wrecker service or you’re a lawyer or a restaurant, with hundreds of competitors, then there is no such thing as effective, cheap SEO! Some of your competition will have sophisticated internet search marketing programs. We can make your search engine optimization efforts more affordable by working with you to share the tasks of web content production, but there’s no getting around the fact that your competitors will be spending money to rank well in search results and there’s no easy, little-known, cheap SEO trick that will move you past them for your good keywords.
What Are Your Good Keywords for SEO?
Some of the SEO companies will advertise cheap prices for getting your business to rank well for odd keywords. The keywords may sound good to you and they’ll certainly be related to your business, but they may not actually have much Internet search traffic associated with them. So with little competition for those keywords, it may be easy to rank well for them. However, if there isn’t much search traffic for the keyword phrases and if you’re only doing well for a couple of these low-traffic phrases, the results for your business will be minimal. You won’t bring in much new customer traffic to your brick and mortar store and you won’t get much new visitor traffic for your e-commerce sales.
Lots of Long-Tail Keywords are Winners!
One great way to win in the search marketing competition is to rank well for lots of relatively low traffic keywords — called long-tail keywords. Wordtracker often cites a study that says that 95% of all Internet search queries use long-tail keywords. Wordtracker also proclaims that spending time and money going for the very high volume keywords is a strategy for losers. We agree! Our strategies target opportunities to rank well for lots of relatively low-search-volume keywords, at an affordable price. We keep your SEO costs down, we help you rank well for lots of relevant keyword phrases, and we drive new Internet search traffic to your website through our focus on long-tail keywords.
IX Brand SEO Services are Affordable (and sometimes Cheap)
We are a small business and we understand that small businesses don’t have large marketing budgets or unlimited resources. We’ll assess your competition at the start of a consulting engagement, and we’ll give you an estimate of the resources — time and money — needed to rank well against that competition. Cheap SEO may be possible for your business, and if it is, we’ll certainly tell you. If it’s not, then we’ll work with you to make your SEO program as affordable as possible. Call IX Brand SEO at 281-343-3284 to visit about your situation.
What does cheap SEO mean to you? How do you hold down the costs of your Internet marketing program?