What’s the SEO or Search Engine Optimization that You Can Expect from IX Brand SEO Services?
We don’t provide SEO apart from our Content Marketing and Reputation Management Services. What is search engine optimization and how do we do it at IX Brand SEO Services? Paul Sherland answers that question in this video.
Summary of the SEO at IX Brand SEO Services Video
– – My name is Paul Sherland from IX Brand SEO Services in Sugar Land, Texas and I’m going to be talking about SEO today, search engine optimization. SEO is one of the words that’s kind of thrown around. A lot of people don’t really understand what it is. A lot of people who think they understand what it is, don’t really understand what it is. But I’m going to try and make it plain for you, to try and explain it to you in a way that makes sense.
What is SEO?
So from our perspective, search engine optimization is best practices and tactics to help Google understand and value what’s on your website, and that’s it. It’s helping Google understand the information and content that you have on your website.
If you have great content on your website, then search engine optimization will really help. If you don’t have good content on your website, if your website is bad, then search engine optimization isn’t going to do you a whole heck of a lot of good. So that great content is what makes search engine optimization work.
Google Says “Give visitors the information they’re looking for”
Provide high-quality content on your pages, especially your homepage. This is the single most important thing to do. If your pages contain useful information, their content will attract many visitors and entice webmasters to link to your site. In creating a helpful, information-rich site, write pages that clearly and accurately describe your topic. Think about the words users would type to find your pages and include those words on your site.
So when people ask what does make search engine optimization work, and the answer is that content, great content is a foundation. If you don’t have it, then your SEO will not be effective over the long-term because you’re not doing what Google wants, which is produce great content. Google rewards great content.
Are Search Engine Optimization Services Worth It?
So, are search engine optimization services worth it? Again, if your content is bad, then search engine optimization services are not worth it because the SEO’s not going to provide you with great rankings and it’s not going to bring customers to your website and your door, at least over the long-term. I mean, there are tricks you can pull that might work for a short time but it’s not going to work for you over a long period of time.
Does Search Engine Optimization Work for Small Businesses?
Well, does search engine optimization work for small businesses? Yes, it can, but small businesses face a special hurdle. With larger businesses, they’ve got teams of copywriters who are producing polished copy for their websites. With small businesses, you can’t afford it.
You can’t afford really great copywriters, for the most part, so what happens is that the small business owner is tasked by me, or the internet marketer that you’re working with, to write some copy for the sales page or the products page, or whatever. And the small business owner doesn’t have time and the copy that’s produced by that person is poor, not well-written, it’s short, and it’s not going to do very well.
And so, will the SEO magically fix it? No. You got to have a process for creating great content for the SEO to work, and that’s what IX Brand SEO Services does because we have a process for creating great content, for essentially taking that expertise that you have about your products and services, and turning that into great content for your website and for your online marketing.
What Happens if You Ignore Search Engine Optimization?
So what happens if you ignore SEO? Well, again, if you have bad content, your website, who cares? But if you invest in great content, if you put the time in, then you really need to also put the time in and invest in SEO because you want to make sure that Google understands what it is and values it appropriately and rewards that value appropriately.
Search Engine Optimization Works with Content Marketing and Reputation Management
That search engine optimization works with content marketing, it works with a reputation management process, they all work together, so we don’t do SEO apart from the content marketing.
If you were to just call me and say, “Hey, I’ve got this website, do your SEO magic,” I’d say, “I’m sorry, I can’t help you,” because really, the website is the least important aspect of the whole thing. You really need to plan for the SEO, the content marketing and the reputation management before you even build the website. And anyone who tells you that they can just do some SEO magic for an existing website with crappy content is going to disappoint you.
Who do we work with? We work with small businesses, mainly in the Houston area, mainly service businesses, professional services, like doctors and lawyers, and other services, like plumbers, pest control agencies, that sort of thing. We also work with product businesses who market on quality as much as price. So if you’re that kind of a business, if you work hard for customer satisfaction, if you work hard to keep your customers happy, you provide a quality product or service, then we could probably help you. It makes it easier if you’re in the Houston area, but if you’re not, we might be able to work with you anyway.
Call Us to Talks About Your Business
If you’re interested, give me a call. It’s 281-343-3284 and you can also send me an email through the contact form on the website. I appreciate your attention today. Thank you very much.
We serve small businesses mostly around Metro Houston from our office in Sugar Land, TX.