What are Great Topics for Your Local Business Video Marketing?
Call 281-343-3284. One of the biggest obstacles to a successful small business Internet marketing program is the need for content for the business website and social media. Every Internet marketer and web designer I know complains about business owners failing to provide the promised text content. And almost all business owners I know will tell me that they don’t have the time to write blog posts and website pages. They’ll say, “that’s what I hired you for”!
Video marketing can provide the answer. It’s much more efficient for most business owners to talk at a video camera than sit as a desk and write an article. It’s hard to get started though and many business owners will be at a loss to come up with a topic for those first videos. Without the first videos, the video marketing program won’t go anywhere. So I’ve got some suggestions for those first topics to get your started in a video marketing program that will also feed content to your website and your social media and reputation marketing programs. Video marketing can power your entire content strategy if you follow my suggestions!
Here’s a summary of this video on topics for video marketing.
Howdy, folks? My name is Paul Sherland and I’m the owner of IX Brand SEO Services in Sugar Land, Texas. Recently I was working outside, working in my garage, and I needed to change the trimmer head of my Stihl FS90 trimmer. And I didn’t remember how to do that, but my dog had eaten my service manual a year before and I hadn’t printed a new one. So I just used my phone to search for a video on “changing the trimmer head of the Stihl FS90 trimmer.”
A Youtube video popped up at the top of search results and I looked at it and used that. It was a great guide for changing the trimmer head and I had that trimmer head changed in 10 minutes. But he video itself was horrible. It was about 11 minutes long — much too long. The camera work was horrible, the guy dropped the iPhone that he was using as a camera several times during recording. There was no sound, there was no editing, no special mic or anything like that. It was a horrible video, but it had been watched 64,000 times in three years.
So even though it was a bad video, it was on a good topic and it was on one of those FAQ topics and it was getting a lot of views. So if you pick the same sorts of FAQs, your videos will likely get a lot of views too. That’s why I think FAQs are a great way to start.
You can also use your iPhone or your smartphone to collect customer reviews, collect customer testimonials. They’re great videos to use. Or you can be a little bit more ambitious and you can create product and service descriptions dealing with your business, any of those. The important thing is to get started somewhere. FAQs might be a little bit easier for most folks, but if product and service descriptions or customer testimonials are easier for you, then do that way.
Another great thing to do is community service videos. Mary Bowling who is on the faculty of Local University advocates building your brand locally by working with charities, working with local organizations, doing work in the community, and getting links back. But you can do the same thing with your videos. You can create videos for local events and local organizations. It’s great practice. It’s great practice for using your videos.
So if there’s a community theater, you can do promos for the community theater with your video camera. You can do highlights from your local football games, local high school football games or band concerts. If there are chamber events and you’re involved in the chamber, you can do videos of the chamber events. Again those are very locally focused, they’ll build your brand. You can include links back to your website from your video, you can include your name, address, phone number, your NAP in your video information. It’s a great way to build your local brand. And again my name is Paul Sherland, IX Brand SEO Services Company in Sugar Land, Texas. Thank you.
If you can just make a list of 20-30 common questions that you get from your customers, you have the video topics you need for the first six months! You only need a video of two to three minutes to respond to your customers’ questions and cover most topics. That’s also the amount of time that most people will invest in one of your videos looking for the answer to a question. So write down those topics and get started!
If you need video marketing help, please call me at 281-343-3284 or contact IX Brand SEO Services Company by using the contact form. You may also be interested in several articles I’ve written recently for the Local University blog — one on why video marketing can be the foundation of your local content strategy and the other on how to make video marketing power your local content strategy.