Ignoring Your Online Reputation Hurts Your Business!
Benjamin Franklin once said, “To gain a friend, let him do you a favor”. In his bestseller, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, Marshall Goldsmith quotes Benjamin Franklin to make the point that if you put yourself (or your business) in someone else’s hands, that person will often assist you better than if you retain control yourself.
That saying rings so true when it comes to asking for recommendations from your customers. Many business owners are afraid to ask for feedback. They’re reluctant to burden their customers with the request and they’re uncertain that the feedback will be positive. So these business owners rely on traditional forms of marketing on traditional media and the Web. If lightning strikes and a customer does go online to provide a review, they’re usually grateful, but they do nothing to encourage more reviews.
Why should you ask your customers to provide you with recommendations? There are two very good reasons. First, as Ben said, you will actually gain a more loyal customer by asking your customer to do this for you. Your customer knows that you are placing a part of your business reputation in his or her hands, and they will take that responsibility seriously and repay the trust that you’ve bestowed on them. You are more likely to get reviews online and they’re more likely to be good ones when you ask your customers to do you the favor of providing online feedback. Second, while you are ceding some control over your online reputation to that customer, you’re also asserting control too. You are asking the folks who actually know your business best to provide you with recommendations. These are most likely your best customers already, and by showing them that you have confidence in their judgment, they will become even better customers and advocates for your business.
So don’t trust some third party to send out surveys on your behalf. Ask your customers for feedback yourself or train your employees to ask. You’ll build loyalty and trust in your customers and your online reputation will grow as a result.
IX Brand SEO Services Company can provide you with surveys that will come from your business email address and help you start the process of improving customer feedback. Please call 281-343-3284 or use the Contact form to send us an email.
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