SEO Video Will Help Your Business Dominate the Competition Online
So What’s SEO Video? SEO Video is the process that can meet all your Internet marketing needs for text and video content! It can provide your business with the relevant, expert, unique content you need to improve your Google search rankings and bring more customers to your business. SEO Video can be the foundation for your content marketing strategy. Want to learn more? Call us at 281-343-3284 to get started for your small business.
Here’s a video explanation of SEO Video from Paul Sherland, Co-Owner of IX Brand SEO Services Company.
Here’s a summary of “What’s SEO Video”.
Howdy folks. My name is Paul Sherland from IX Brand SEO Services Company in Sugar Land Texas, which is just a little bit outside of Houston. Today I’m going to be talking a little bit about Search Engine Optimization: SEO, and talk a little bit about SEO video.
What’s SEO Video? It’s Created for SEO and Video Marketing
What’s an SEO video? I know that people have heard of video marketing. People have heard of Search Engine Optimization. What’s the marriage of the two? What’s an SEO video? For me, an SEO video is a video that’s created specifically for the purpose of improving the Search Engine Optimization Performance of your website. So there’s a content reason, there’s a content strategy reason to build this, or to create this kind of video.
You’ve got to do enough of these kinds of videos, or these SEO videos to make a difference for your website. If you just do one, it’s not going to make a difference. If you just do a couple, not going to make a difference. So, for small or medium business to do a lot of video, you’ve got to do it in a way that’s inexpensive. Because otherwise, most small and medium-sized businesses just can’t afford to do a lot.
SEO Video Provides Text for Webpages & Blog Posts
So, an SEO video is going to have text. The SEO Video will convert to text through transcription. The text will provide information to your customers. The SEO Video is going to be easy to do. The whole SEO Video process going to be inexpensive to do, and it’s going to be focused on your customers’ information needs and how your products and services can meet those information needs.
So it’s from the customer’s standpoint, but it’s done on topics that are important to your customers. Things like FAQs, that’s a great topic for SEO video.
SEO Will Fail without Great Content
You’re never going to rank well in most competitive markets, if you don’t have good content on your website. You can do what’s called Tactical SEO, and you can make it easy for Google and the other search engines to crawl your website. But unless you’ve got great content, it’s just not going to happen.
So the way that most small businesses get content, they sometimes, they’ll hire somebody to write content for them. But that lacks your expertise. If you’re the business owner, you know your business, you know what your customers want, and you’re the best person to explain your products and services. You’re the best person to give your customers the information they’re looking for. It’s not somebody hired in some other country, probably, to do some research and write content for you that’s keyword-rich.
What’s SEO Video? A Solution to Your Writer’s Block!

Another way to do it, is to write it yourself. But in my years of experience, most small business owners that I know, don’t want to write. They don’t have time to write. Maybe they’re not good writers. But it’s one of those things that just gets pushed to next week, pushed to next month, and it’s never done. It’s easier to just talk, and which is what I’m doing now.
So, if you could get into a process of creating SEO videos on your customers’ information needs, there are FAQs, how your products and services can meet your customers’ needs on those topics, you’ll do really well. You’ll have that great content that Google’s looking for, that Google wants to provide to Internet searchers.
What’s SEO Video? An Inexpensive and a Powerful SEO Strategy!
So, that’s what SEO video is. It’s an inexpensive video. It’s not a video that costs a thousand dollars a minute to produce. It doesn’t take hours to edit, or anything like that. You want to do these things, build a process that’s inexpensive, that’s repeatable, and that allows you to do a fair number of these videos, and you’ll do really well in Search Engine Optimization.
You’ll also convert more customers because the customers meet you while you’re doing the videos. So, SEO videos are the way to go. They’re the way to create a winning content strategy for your website and for your small business in Houston or anywhere else.
Interested in Learning SEO Video Yourself?
We’re in the process of setting up a series of online courses to teach SEO Video to small business owners, web developers and other SEOs. If you’re interested, please contact us to have your name added to our pre-launch notification list.
If you have any questions about SEO video, you can contact me at 281-343-3284, or visit my website at Thank you very much.