Can video marketing work for your business? Why not give it a try? Paul Sherland explains why it works for small businesses in this video.
Summary of Why Video Marketing Works
Howdy folks. My name is Paul Sherland, IX Brand SEO Services. And I’m going to be talking a little bit about video marketing.
Video marketing is an incredibly important part of what I think should be a small business content strategy. And the reason is, it works really, really well, in all kinds of aspects of internet marketing.
I mean, it works really well on social media. You can get it transcribed and create video blog posts, use video transcribed for new web pages. There are all kinds of ways that you can use video.
Video Marketing Works? It’s Easier than Writing Blog Posts
And it’s a lot easier, in my experience, to get people to stand or sit in front of a video camera, than it is to get them to write something. I’ve had all kinds of difficulties getting clients to write copy for their websites. But if I can get them to sit down for a video, usually they’re pleasantly surprised by the product.
Make Your Voice Work for Your Business Online
The videos that they produce, from the standpoint of being an expert in their products and services, do really, really well in search results. That information that they provide is valued by their customers, and prospective customers. So that’s why video marketing works.
The video that I’m shooting right now is with an iPhone. So there are all kinds of different ways that you can create video. But the key lesson is to try it. Try it, get started. Do some video. Maybe start answering FAQ questions for your customers. And I think you’ll see some fantastic results.
Video marketing has worked really well for my clients, against some very intense competition in the Houston marketplace. And I really recommend it.
In fact, if you call me, and you’re interested in becoming a client, and you just won’t do video marketing, then unless you have some really good plan for creating content, I’ll probably suggest that you look someplace else, because I can tell that you won’t be successful.
Give Video Marketing a Try
So again, video can be the cornerstone of your content marketing strategy. I think it’s the most effective content marketing tool that you can use, and I recommend it.
Again, my name is Paul Sherland, IX Brand SEO Services Company. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you very much.
Get Video Marketing Working for Your Business
There’s no large investment required. Start with a few videos to see if it works for you. I can coach you to get started.