The Success of Your Local SEO Depends on Content — It’s a Fact!
In working to optimize a website for local search, I often have a hard time getting the text content I need to improve the site’s rankings. I always mention the absolute need for text content to prospective clients, but I’ve found that I need to be more explicit about what’s required. A 20-word paragraph describing the business on one page, a brief welcome paragraph on the home page, and pictures of the business’s products on another page won’t help much in local Google search rankings.
Google Doesn’t Work Like the Old Yellow Pages

Although I don’t say this in my discussions with prospective clients, many seem to have the impression that websites operate like the old Yellow Pages advertising did. If I pay for a full-page ad, I should be able to count on getting great visibility in the phone book. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way in any competitive business environment anymore. If you’d like your business to appear high in search results, you’ll have to plan to add relevent, unique keyword-rich content to your website on a regular basis. The best way for most businesses to do this is to add a blog to their websites and then update the blog frequently. We’ve found that a video blogging program works best to add expert, unique content to your website and your social media.
Local SEO Depends on Content — Now and in the Future!
Once you accept the need to add keyword-rich content frequently, the next decision is who will do it. Often my clients with the best of intentions will agree to produce the needed text, but then fail to produce it. The time demands of keeping a business running will often derail their plans to sit down and write. The better way to develop content is for the business owner to agree to a video blogging process that creates new video for YouTube and new content for your website on a regular basis. It’s relatively quick, it’s very effective, and it’s less expensive than hiring a copywriter to research and write new blog posts and page text for your business.
A video content development process works very well to produce expert, unique information about your products and services. That’s the information that your customers are searching for online and that’s the information that will earn you high Google rankings. We can help you get started.
Whether you decide to hire IX Brand SEO Services or go with another search engine optimization consultant, it’s absolutely necessary for you to add new content for your website. If a consultant tells you that you needn’t worry about adding keyword-rich text to your website, run – don’t walk – away from that consulting firm. We can help you create new text content for your website and help you do it inexpensively, but you need to plan on buying into our content development process.
If you have questions, please contact IX Brand SEO Services at 281-343-3284!