Paul Sherland explains why a desire for a custom website might be an idea to reconsider. If you have questions, please call 281-343-3284 for information.
Summary of Custom Website vs Template Website
Hi folks. My name is Paul Sherland with IX Brand SEO, and I’m going to be talking a little bit today about template websites versus custom websites because that’s a question I get a lot.
A lot of prospective customers call me and say that they want a custom website. They don’t want a templated website.
So what does that mean? Is that a good thing to get a completely custom website, or is it a bad thing to get a templated website? I think it’s a good thing to not get a completely custom website, and let me try and explain why.
A Custom Website Ties You to a Developer
If you get a custom website, you’re tied to that developer for the rest of your life basically. If the developer goes out of business or if the relationship frays or sours, I can just about guarantee you that no one else will touch that website, and you’ll be stuck with the cost of creating a new website. If you try to move it, no one else will touch it.
That’s because when programmers get into code, the good ones try and indicate what they’re doing by commenting the code. But it’s a difficult process for other people to get into the same code and understand what was done. So most developers, most programmers, don’t really want to touch code that’s been developed by somebody else.
A Template Website Is Transferable
When I talk about template websites, I’m talking about websites like WordPress websites from a major purveyor, like StudioPress or maybe WooCommerce. I’m not recommending websites like Wix or Squarespace because these are not transferable. You get the WordPress website template (called a theme) subject to a license, and website template updates are automatically done. You get the updates if you have that license, and you keep your license active.
You can transfer the license. If you’re the licensee, you switch web developers or your SEOs, and that website can go with you. You can just purchase a license, and you can move it to some other host. You’re not out all the time and effort and money that went into developing that website.
So, I really, really strongly recommend that folks who are looking at getting a business website to look at getting a template website that’s licensed. That template website can be customized, but that’s not a completely custom website.
If you build a completely custom website, I can almost guarantee you that it’s going to cause you problems somewhere down the road. Even if you were able to move the website, let’s say it’s a WordPress custom website, who’s going to do the updates if you move it? No one is. So, as WordPress changes, updates need to be made to the website, and it ain’t going to be done, and you’re going to be stuck as I said, building the new website.
So get a template website from a reputable purveyor. Thank you very much. Again, this is Paul Sherland. IX Brand SEO Services.