Traditional marketing is about interrupting the customer with a catchy, intrusive message about a product or service. Potential customers are watching television, listening to the radio, reading a newspaper, or driving down the highway, and the advertisement interrupts them. They can’t easily get away from it so they’re exposed to the ad for some brief […]
What is Web Word of Mouth
Web word of mouth is traditional word of mouth marketing using the low-cost and no-cost tools available on the Web. Traditional word-of-mouth marketing relies on customer conversations passing word of a business reputation. Web word-of-mouth works the same way to amplify those conversations and extend the opportunities for the conversations to occur. For example, someone […]
What Is Reputation Management
What Is Reputation Management for Small Businesses? As a small business owner, you’re asking “what is reputation management”? How can I get good reviews for my business? How can I know what my customers are saying about my business to their friends and online? What Is Reputation Management as a Process At IX Brand SEO […]
Is the Better Business Bureau Relevant?
The continuing relevance of the Better Business Bureau is an issue that usually sparks a lot of controversy. Supporters argue that the Web incarnation of the BBB provides searchable, current information on many businesses, and that the BBB still serves as a resource for finding trustworthy, reliable businesses. Detractors say that the BBB model is […]